Commentary: IBTTA Tolling Points — Third-Party Support For Tolling Grows

This commentary was published by IBTTA and authored by Bill Cramer on August 27th, 2019.  The Coalition for Smarter Transportation is sharing this article as it was published: Third-Party Support For Tolling Grows By: Bill Cramer Post Date: August 27, 2019   For years now, IBTTA has been tracking and keeping in touch with…

The Coalition for Smarter Transportation Expresses Support for the Bi-Partisan ‘America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act’

The Coalition for Smarter Transportation Expresses Support for the Bi-Partisan ‘America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act’ The Bipartisan Reauthorization of the Highway Title Increases Funding for Highway Provisions by 27% and includes numerous provisions that will make our transportation system smarter and more resilient. (Washington, DC) The Coalition for Smarter Transportation (CoaST) issued the following statement of…

Washington DC Regional Employers Call for Smarter Transportation System

A group of prominent employers in the greater Washington DC region released a blueprint calling for investment in smarter transportation. The document, entitled Capital Region Blueprint for Regional Mobility makes numerous recommendations including: Modernizing Intercity and Commuter Rail Improve Roadway and Trail Performance – including enhancing congestion pricing Create High-Performing Public Transit Grow Employer Mobility Programs Expand…

The Three C’s of Shared Mobility — Commentary by Cubic

Published on August 23, 2018 Andy Taylor –Co-authored with Stephen Coulter, Founder of Localift. — To say technology is forever changing mobility sounds like a terrible cliché. But the truth is, technological advancements and new economic models are changing transportation faster than many of us can comprehend, leaving us all in a constant race of ‘catching up’ and…