This page has been developed as a resource to employers and local governments looking to develop or implement telework policies and programs. The purpose of this page is to share links and information from successful programs around the nation.
- Washington Council of Governments (WASHCoG) Do’s and Don’ts
- King County – WorkSmart YouTube Video with Elham Shirazi
- Best Workplaces for Commuters Resources
- GSA Resources for Telework
- Macquarie Business School – Working from home: how managers can make it work for their staff
Best Practices – Policies
Case Studies
- Global Workplace Analytics – Telecommuting-statistics
- Global Workplace Analytics- Boilerplate documents
- Global Workplace Analytics- Work-at-home-tips-for-employers
- Global Workplace Analytics – Work at home after covid 19: Global Workplace Analytics forecast
- Commuter Connections 2020 Employer Telework Survey Coronavirus Pandemic
- JALA Resources
For more information and a list of contacts and consultants, please contact
**CoaST does not endorse or guarantee any commercial product or telework consultant. The list and contact information above is as a public service to CoaST members and guests