Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) has reintroduced HR 510, the ‘Support Local Transportation Act’. The legislation would direct more Federal Highway funds to regional and local municipalities. Within the Federal Highway program, the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program allocates billions of dollars annually to State and local governments to meet a wide variety of transportation needs. Under current law, 55% of the funding available is controlled by the local government entities. STBG had an allocation of ~$12 billion in FY 22. The legislation offered by Representative Brownley would increase the share local governments controlled from 55% to 61% and then subsequently increase the amount allocated to local governments by 1% until the amount is 65% in 2025.
This is one of many proposals being discussed that would direct more Federal funding to local governments. The current Federal legislation, FAST Act, will expire at the end of this fiscal year.
Link to information on HR 510 ‘Support Local Transportation Act’